Exposed Lettuce
30 years ago if you were walking down the isle at your local Piggly Wiggly and you ran into Jason Schpedmann filing through the spices you would have thought to yourself, "Allspice? What a generic choice". In the case for Jason Schpedmann and his gnarly group known as Exposed Lettuce you just might be right in your prejudices towards his spice racking.
While you might want to keep Exposed Lettuce out of your kitchen, you will definitely want to store them in your mind. This three-piece from Brazil, Indiana is making hot trails across the U.S. of A and soon they'll be burning their way into your stereo.
This track comes from their debut album. Don't let the wacky guitars throw you. Hold on through the song and let it pummel you with its greatness.
by Exposed Lettuce